Monday, March 26, 2018

Mild Afflictions (disease)

These will cause the character to experience considerable strain from exercise of any kind. This will not mean that the character cannot physically exert themselves; only that there will be heavy consequences for doing so. For every round of combat or for every 10 minutes of exertion, the character's constitution should be temporarily reduced from 0-2 points (d3 -1). This penalty should be increased (an extra die rolled) for every 6 lbs. of weight the character carries above 10 lbs. (a total of 15 lbs. would not incur the penalty). Take note that memorizing of spells is considered strain and will have likewise effect.

If disabled, the character will not be able to take part in any other action, including walking or even eating.

Each of these constitution points may be retained by 1 hour of total rest, in which the character does nothing at all. Note, however, that in many cases the disease itself is also reducing the constitution of the character, in which case rest will only return the character's constitution to the disease level.

A breakdown for the effects of mild infections are listed below:
  • bladder: 4-8 times during a 24-hour period, character will be disabled for an hour after painful urination, during which time their constitution will drop by 1 point; this lost point will be restored after another hour.
  • blood (hemorrhagic): reduce strength & constitution by 1-3 points each; any weapon hit upon the character will cause a wound.
  • brain & nerves: reduce intelligence & wisdom by 1-6 points each.
  • breathing: reduce strength, constitution & dexterity by 1 point each.
  • ears: reduce hearing range to 5-40 feet; instructions or sounds from beyond that distance will be ignored.
  • eyes: reduce visual range to 5-40 feet; study of spells or other materials will require twice as long to accomplish.
  • heart: reduce strength & constitution by 1-3 points each; if the character is knocked unconscious, the character must make a strength check (against modified stat, affected also from being in negative hit points); failure indicates the character suffers 2-20 damage from a seizure.
  • hormonal organs: character will be rendered impotent; there is a 50% chance that a rash will emerge during infection, reducing dexterity by 2-5 if armor is worn.
  • joints & tendons: reduce dexterity by 1-3 points.
  • muscles: reduce strength & constitution by 1 points each.
  • nose, throat & sinuses: reduce constitution by 1 point.
  • skeletal: reduce strength & constitution by 1-4 points each; any wound suffered has a 1 in 10 chance of breaking a bone.
  • skin: reduce charisma by 0-3 points (d4 -1) for each of the first three weeks of the disease, to a minimum of 3. If charisma is reduced by more than 5 points, there is a 10% chance that the character will permanently lose 1 point of charisma. One point of charisma will be regained each week after the third week; all remaining lost charisma will be restored in the last week of infection. Reduce dexterity by 1 point.
  • stomach & colon: reduce strength & constitution by 1-6 points each to a minimum of 3 points. 3-5 times per day, character will be disabled for two hours after painful diarrhea.

See Disease

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