Monday, March 26, 2018

Severe Afflictions (disease)

Upon onset of a severe infection, over a period of 3-12 hours, ALL character ability stats will be reduced by 25% (this can be calculated as a progressive reduction as necessary). In turn, the character will lose one level of effective experience per day, until levels are reduced to one half of the total. Note that a 3rd level character would not be reduced to less than 2nd, a 5th level character would not be reduced to less than 3rd and so on. All level loss incurs an equal loss in hit points and other abilities.

These losses are to be combined with additional reductions that are listed below, so that further losses to ability stats occur AFTER being reduced by 25%. As well, if any character suffering from any severe infection is reduced to less than zero hit points by any effect other than the infection itself, a strength check must be made or the character will die. All checks must be made against the stat as it has been modified by other effects!

Following the second week of the disease, the character will regain one level per week that the infection remains; all remaining lost levels will be restored in the last week of infection.

In every moment of suffering from a severe infection (following the first 3-12 hours), the character will be totally disabled, unable to take part in any action, including walking or even eating. Therefore, the character must be fed by another. Moving the character physically will result in 1-4 damage per round. If the character is teleported or otherwise shifted by magic, 1-4 damage will occur one time only. If the character is levitated, the character will suffer 1 damage every 5-20 rounds (whether or not the character is manipulated), due to the body tensing up and the effects of stress.

A breakdown for the effects of mild infections are listed below:
  • bladder: the character will likely suffer considerable pain due to retention; any movement will cause an additional 1-8 damage over and above other considerations. 1-4 damage will be experienced per day.
  • blood (hemorrhagic): reduce both strength & constitution 0-2 (d3 -1) more points per week; death will occur if either is reduced to zero.
  • brain & nerves: reduce intelligence & wisdom by 1-6 points each; if either is reduced to 2 points or less, there is a 20% chance of losing 1 point from that stat permanently.
  • breathing: character will be subject to 0-3 (d4 -1) coughing fits per day. For each, roll a constitution check; failure indicates the character suffers 1-3 damage.
  • ears: all hearing is reduced in either one (90% chance, either ear) or both ears (10% chance) for the duration of the infection, making the character deaf.
  • eyes: all sight is reduced in either one (40% chance, either ear) or both ears (60% chance) for the duration of the infection, making the character blind.
  • heart: reduce both strength & constitution 0-2 (d3 -1) more points per week. Once per week the character must make a strength check; failure indicates the character suffers 2-20 damage from a seizure.
  • hormonal organs: a rash will emerge due to infection, causing an additional 1d4 damage over and above other considerations. there is a 20% chance that the character will be rendered permanently sterile.
  • joints & tendons: roll a dexterity check once per week; failure will reduce dexterity by 1 point for a period of three months (it would require 18 months to regain a loss of 6 dexterity points).
  • muscles: following the first week of the disease, roll checks against both strength & constitution; failure indicates a permanent loss of 1 point.
  • nose, throat & sinuses: roll a constitution check once per week - failure indicates that the character has caught an acute breathinginfection; roll degree of infection.
  • skeletal: reduce both strength & constitution 0-2 (d3 -1) more points per week; death will occur if either is reduced to zero.
  • skin: reduce charisma by 0-4 points (d5 -1) for each week of the disease, to a minimum of 3. Make a constitution check; failure indicates a permanent loss of 0-3 charisma (d4-1).
  • stomach & colon: reduce strength & constitution by 2-8 points each; death will occur if either is reduced to zero. A skin rash will occur from diarrhea if the character is not assigned a permanent nurse, causing 1-4 damage per day.

See Also,
Terminal Afflictions

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