Saturday, March 31, 2018

Cultivate Ferns & Mosses (sage ability)

Provides knowledge of valuable materials that can be gathered from various moss and fern species, including material needed to produce essential oils, soap and dyestuffs, as well as medicinal tonics that can be applied to temporarily restore strength or constitution in times of illness.

As this material is largely gathered from the wild and varies considerably in terms of how much material is required in order to distill value from its general mass, to keep things as simple as possible the rule will be that a full day of gathering (in areas appropriate to the materials sought) will produce 3-12 lbs of raw material. This can then be distilled (by a variety of means) in order to produce whatever would be the appropriate amount of final, essential product. This distilling process will typically take only an hour, but will require a workshop suitable for whatever is being obtained.

At present, a specific list of ratios for material to product is not included here, nor are there specific details included as to what products might be obtained from what parts of the world (although some of this is being added steadily to the wiki, as time allows).

Details will be worked out as players make their desires known.

See Mosses & Ferns

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